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标题: Bryan Adams -《布莱恩亚当斯全套》共计14张专辑eMule下载[APE/分轨] [打印本页]

作者: 热血男儿2    时间: 2008-11-16 01:54     标题: Bryan Adams -《布莱恩亚当斯全套》共计14张专辑eMule下载[APE/分轨]



专辑歌手:Bryan Adams

1959年,Bryan Adams出生于加拿大温哥华.16岁那年,他离开了学校和他的第一个乐队Shock四处旅行演出.
1977年他加入了一个小有名气的glam-rock乐队Sweeny Todd.参与制做完乐队的两张专辑后,在经纪人Bruce Allen和词曲人Jim Vallance的劝说下,Bryan Adams开始了自己的个人演唱阶段.
1980年,他出版了第一张个人同名专辑,但即使在他的家乡,这张专辑也没有引起多大的反响,但随后他于1981年推出的"You Want It, You Got It"确使他在加拿大北方成了一名真正的明星,这张专辑也产生了四首加拿大排行榜上榜单曲.
Bryan Adams1983年的专辑"Cuts Like a Knife"第一次真正打入巨大的美国市场,并在不到一年的时间内达到黄金销量.随着单曲"Straight From The Heart"登上公告牌单曲排行榜的第十名以及几首热门单曲在MTV电视台的播放,Bryan Adams从美国开始了他历经欧洲,日本,澳大利亚等国的世界巡回演唱会.
1984年,人们期望值很高的专辑"Reckless"出版发行,单曲"Heaven"拿到了美国榜的冠军,同时六首单曲打入了加拿大排行榜.到了年底,"Reckless"在美国专辑榜上获得两周冠军 ,而Bryan Adams也获得了好几项Juno奖(这是加拿大的葛莱美).Bryan Adams的下一张专辑"Into The Fire"于1987年出版,结果只卖出了一百万张.在这之后的一年半时间里,Bryan Adams和他的乐队不停的在美国,欧洲和日本巡回演出,甚至在当时尚未统一的民主德国举办了演唱会.
1988年,这位相貌英俊的流行歌星出演了他第一部电影,Client Eastwood导演的"Pink Cadillac".再此后的若干几年里面,Bryan Adams不停的忙于参加各种慈善演出,参与制做了Motley Crue的一张专辑,同时他也在为其下一张专辑做准备.由于歌迷对Bryan Adams专辑的热切盼望,他在90年柏林墙群星演唱会上翻唱Pink Floyd的一首"Young Lust"居然也被推上了排行榜.
到了1991年6月,Bryan Adams为电影"Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves"所做的主题曲"(Everything I Do) I Do It For You"出版.这首歌就像导弹一样直冲排行榜,第一周就占据了美国和加拿大排行榜的冠军宝座,并被预先订购了三十八万张,这也破了A&M唱片公司的销售纪录.作为美国历史上第二成功的单曲(仅次于We Are The World "),它也加速了Bryan Adams新专辑的出版.
1991年七月,Bryan Adams发行新一张专辑"Waking Up The Neighbours".这张专辑迅速登上英国专辑榜第一并创纪录的保持了十六个星期,两个月内这张专辑疯狂销售了五百五十万张,并且在十个国家拿到冠军.带目前为止,这张专辑在世界范围内的销量已经远远突破了一千万张.接着下来Bryan Adams花了几乎三年进行他的世界巡回演出.而A&M唱片公司于1993年发行了他的一张精选专辑,这张精选集由于那首冠军单曲"Please Forgive Me"而卖出了一千三百万张.在同一年,Bryan Adams和Sting以及Rod Stewart为电影"三个火枪手"录制的"All For Love"也成了排行榜上的大赢家.
1995年,Bryan Adams又推出了一首电影主题曲"Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman".此单曲在美国榜冠军位置上停留了四个星期.
1996年底,Bryan Adams推出了专辑"18 Till I Die".在这张专辑里,为了迎合年轻歌迷的口味,Bryan Adams的音乐风格开始趋向于更为激烈.象往常一样,从1996年到1997年,Bryan Adams又开始了他马拉松式的世界巡回演出.到了1998年秋季,Bryan Adams推出"On a Day Like Today".

room service (2004)
spirit: l'etalon des plaines (2002)
spirit: stallion of the cimarron (2002)
the best of me (1999)
on a day like today (1998)
mtv unplugged (1997)
18 Til I Die (1996)
So Far So Good (1993)
Waking Up The Neighbours (1991)
Live! Live! Live! (1988)
Into The Fire (1987)
Reckless (1984)
Cuts Like A Knife (1983)
You Want It You Got It (1981)
Bryan Adams (1980)
Most of the albums are made by me,"spirit-stallion of cimaron" is made by fEi-sHI,"The Best Of Me"is made by wystan,Thanks to them!

1. Room Service
发行年份: 2004
Room Service, which was released in September of 2004 where it debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard European Top 100 albums Chart.Room Service is currently pending a US release in 2005.
01.eastside story
02.this side of paradise
03.not romeo, not juliette
05.she's a little too good for me road service
08.i was only dreamin
09.right back where i started from where fast
11.why do you have to be so hard to love

2. Spirit:stallion of the Cimarron
发行年份: 2002
Adams returned in the spring of 2002 collaborating with Hans Zimmer on his first full-length song score for a film, the animated DreamWorks feature Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. The soundtrack made it into the Top 40 and Adams and Zimmer earned a Golden Globe Nomination for their collaboration.
01.Here I Am (End Title)
02.I Will Always Return
03.You Can't Take Me
04.Get Off My Back
05.Brothers Under The Sun
06.Don't Let Go (with Sarah McLachlan)
07.This Is Where I Belong
08.Here I Am
09.Sound The Bugle
10.Run Free
11.Homeland (Main Title)
13.The Long Road Back
14.Nothing I've Ever Known
15.I Will Always Return (Finale)

3. Spirit:l’etalon des Planies
发行年份: 2002
01. Me Voila (end title)
02.Je Defendrai Ma Vie
04.Deux Freres Sous Le Soleil
05.Ma Place Est Ici
06.Me Voila
07.Sonne Le Clairon
Run Free
10.The Longroad Back
11.Rien De Ce Que J'ai Vecu
1J2.e Veviendrai Vers Toi

4. The Greatest Hits
发行年份: 2000
01.Run to You
02.Cuts Like Nife
04.Heat of the Night
05.It's Only Love
06.I Do it for You
07.Summer of 69
08.The Only Thing that
10.Please Forgive Me
11.All I Want is You
12.Straight Form the Heaven
13.Have You Ever Really
14.Can't Stop this Thing We Started
15.This Time
16.All for Love

5. The Best Of Me
发行年份: 1999
In November 1999, Adams issued a second hits compilation, The Best of Me, but the American branch of A&M/Interscope declined to release it. The title track "The Best Of Me" charted all over Europe and in Canada.
01.The Best Of Me
02.Can't Stop This Thing We Started
03.I'm Ready
04.Summer Of '69
05.Let's Make A Night To Remember
06.All For Love (with Rod Stewart & Sting)
07.Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman
08.Run To You
09.Cloud Number Nine
10.(Everything I Do) I Do It For You
11.Back To You
12.When You're Gone (feat. Mel C)
13.Please Forgive Me
14.The Only Thing That Looks Good On Me Is You
15.Inside Out

6.On A Day Like Today
发行年份: 1998
On a Day Like Today, which was released in October 1998. Overseas, the disc featuring the Melanie C duet "When You're Gone", reached the UK No. 3 spot in December of 1998 and spent 10 weeks in the Top 10. This was followed by the Top 10 dance re-mix of "Cloud Number Nine". The album also hit No. 3 in Canada.
01.Before The Night Is Over
02.Cloud Number Nine
03.C'mon C'mon C'mon
06.How Do Ya Feel Tonight
07.I Don't Wanna Live Forever
08.If I had You
09.I'm A Liar
10.Inside Out
11.On A Day Like Today
12.When You're Gone
13.Where Angels Fear To Tread

7.Mtv Unplugged
发行年份: 1997
01.Summer of '69
02.Back to you
03.Cuts like a knife
04.I'm ready
05.Fits ya good
06.When you love someone
07.Till I die
08.I think about you
09.If ya wanna be bad ya gotta be good/Let's make a night to remember
10.The only thing that looks good on me is you
11.A little love
13.I'll always be right there

8.18 Till I Die
发行年份: 1996
At the beginning of 1996 Adams released a new album 18 'Til I Die. The album featured the flamenco-tinged "Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman?" from the Johnny Depp/Marlon Brando film Don Juan DeMarco. Adams was rewarded with yet another No. 1 hit, as well as a Grammy nomination for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance and his second Oscar nomination for Best Song.
01.(I Wanna Be Your) Underwear
02.18 til I Die
03.Black Pearl
04.Do To You
05.Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?
06.Hey Elvis
07.I Think About You
08.I'll Always Be Right There
09.It Ain't A Party If Ya Can't Come 'Round
10.Let's Make A Night To Remember
12.The Only Thing That Looks Good On Me Is You
13.We're Gonna Win
14.You're Still Beautiful To Me

9.So Far So Good
发行年份: 1995
Adams began to look forward to his next studio album, but in the interim released a hits compilation, So Far So Good, in November 1993 featuring the single "Please Forgive Me," a new Adams/Lange track. The song would also find its way into the Top Ten. Then came the Adams' theme song for the movie The Three Musketeers, "All for Love", recorded with Rod Stewart and Sting, which hit No. 1 in the U.S. in January of 1994. That same month, Adams embarked on an ambitious tour of the Far East, including countries like Vietnam that were rarely visited by Western pop artists.
01.Summer of '69
02.Back to you
03.Cuts like a knife
04.I'm ready
05.Fits ya good
06.When you love someone
07.Till I die
08.I think about you
09.If ya wanna be bad ya gotta be good/Let's make a night to remember
10.The only thing that looks good on me is you
11.A little love
13.I'll always be right there

10.Waking Up The Neighbours
发行年份: 1991
Waking Up the Neighbours was released in September of 1991, and Adams once again hit the road - this time until July of 1993. The album featured two Top Ten hits "Can't Stop This Thing We Started" and of course, "(Everything I Do) I Do It for You". Before it finished running its course there would be three more Top 40 hits, "There Will Never Be Another Tonight", "Do I Have to Say the Words?" and "Thought I'd Died and Gone to Heaven". Waking Up the Neighbours sold four million copies in the U.S. and another six million in the rest of the world. It also earned Adams a Grammy nomination and his first Academy Award nomination.
01.(Everything I Do) I Do It For You
02.All I Want Is You
03.Can't Stop This Thing We Started
04.Depend On Me
05.Do I Have To Say The Words?
06.Don't Drop That Bomb On Me
07.Hey Honey - I'm Packin' You In!
08.House Arrest
09.If You Wanna Leave Me (Can I Come Too?)
10.Is Your Mama Gonna Miss Ya?
11.Not Guilty
12.There Will Never Be Another Tonight
13.Thought I'd Died And Gone To Heaven
14.Touch The Hand



















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[ 本帖最后由 热血男儿2 于 2008-11-16 04:05 编辑 ]
作者: zhangpdl    时间: 2008-11-16 11:40

太棒了,一定全套收藏!从最早听他的《Everything I do, I do it for you》,就开始迷上了Bryan Adams,然后是他的《Have you really loved a woman》,沙哑性感的嗓音,唱出了每个恋爱中人的心声。再接下来是《小马王》,他的性感嗓音和剧情结合的简直 perfect。Bryan Adams,我永远的最爱!
作者: 简单123    时间: 2008-11-16 19:06

作者: 大雅    时间: 2008-11-16 20:04


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