【上映日期】::韓語上映日期: 2015-01-15
【影片尺度】:三級 (19限)
【主演演員】:金成恩 Kim Seong-eun / Ahn Jae-min / Kim Mi-rim / Jang Hyeok-jin / 等主演.
An Exorcist two are symbiotic relationship with Hong virgin ghosts. Stray while wandering ghosts do not spend a cheondoje given a ninety fill in Section 100 chapter gives charm to the removal of the capital. One day loan shark employee hero went to meet a virgin ghost Sohyeon to pick four of the red two teachers and the various episodes while receiving coaching technology and first love entertaining romance unfolds through Sohyeon.
原帖由 69562819 于 2015-5-3 02:59 发表 [bbs=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=98277615&ptid=9378856][/bbs]
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